Monday, August 4, 2014

Amazing People

Recently I've met so many amazing people and got involved in so many amazing projects.  I'd like to share some of the experiences I've encountered.

In my line of business it is not unusual that I am the only female around the table.  Most of the time people are respectful around me.  Nonetheless there would be an occasional jokes or expressions which mildly suggest male superiority.  Unless it is really out of line, I typically brush it off before responding in kind.

During a recent business gathering, one person jokingly talked about how he would spin his story so his wife wouldn't get on his case.  I gently shook my head for I would not have liked it if my husband did the same to me.  To my surprise, the gentleman, who had the most modest background and appearance of all, sitting next to me immediately apologized in his colleague's behalf.  

He explained that, at the very moment when his first daughter was born, it felt as if a bucket of hot water was poured from the top over his body.  He felt a sudden revelation that women were the ones that made things happened.  It was an experience he hadn't had with his three elder sons.   To him it was a special message from God.  Ever since then he changed his perspective towards his mother, his wife, and all women.  He would give women his utmost respect.  Any jokes, even mild ones, about women would bother him.  He also taught his sons to be respectful towards women.

I was really touched by the sincerity and feel blessed with being surrounded by good people as such.  I'd encourage young women professionals that as you move forward in your career, as well as personal front; look beyond the dazzling outward appearance, title, or demeanors; choose to work and be associated with people that respect women.  These are the people that you will find true, lasting professional relationships.

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